May 16, 2016

#betterYOULandL | fitness

Happy Monday! Today I’m showing you my CARDIO SANDWICH outside. I’m glad a lot of you related to the cardio sandwich last week. With the weather so nice right now, who wants to be inside at the gym? On Saturday I woke up and got right into my cardio. I felt so good I ran the entire time. FIVE miles later and I was ready for my weight bearing activity. See my circuit below. After my FOUR sets of the circuit I went back to my cardio and finished the cardio sandwich with 1 more mile. This can be done anywhere. I didn’t need weights or even a mat. I ran until I found the park I wanted to do my circuit in. Then ran some more! A few things before heading outside-

Sweat proof  SUNSCREEN.

SELF TANNER, get rid of the pastey white winter skin the healthy way. Have you tried this in-shower gradual tanner? It’s awesome!

I can’t recommend this DEODORANT enough. You will smell pretty instead of you know…

Incredible NIKES and they feel as light as feathers.

Always wear a  HAT  outside to protect your face.




white jacket | lulu leggings | nikes | hat | sunglasses, blue metal

circuit to do 4x in between your cardio. Get that cardio sandwich!

10 Long Jumps: Do a long jump the length of your mat or towel, and then shuffle backwards to your start position.

10 Pushups: Kneeling or full, depending on your fitness level.

15 Sumo Squats: Stand up with your feet wider than your hips and your toes slightly turned out as you sit back into a squat.

15 Burpees: Start with a jump, and then squat down, place your hands on your mat, and jump out into a plank position. Jump feet back towards your hands, pop up into standing position, and finish with a clap at the top.

20 Bicycle Crunches: Lie on your back and bend both knees into your chest, hands clasped behind your head. Find a focal point to the left and right of your body. Look at those two focal points as you twist and crunch to each side, reaching your right elbow to your left knee, and vice versa.

20 Mountain Climbers: Start in a plank position and alternate driving your knees into chest, keeping your hips flat and parallel to the ground.

20 Alternating Lunges On Each Leg: Start with hands on hips. Lunge forward alternating lunges on each leg. To make it harder add a jump.

Make sure you time yourself performing the full circuit, and try to beat your time with each set. Do this 4x



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    • max about 3. I even love to just do one day before a trip to the beach or a vacation I’ll be wearing a swimsuit. It really makes your stomach flat. xx

  1. Hi Jenna! Are the Juvenates good for running? What are your favorite shoes to run in? Thanks!!

    • yes! They are even lighter than the nike frees. I will always wear the juvenate. These were my first pair!! xx