May 2, 2016


black leggings | black and white tank |Nike Frees

Hey guys! May is here and we’re feeling extra motivated. We want to focus on improving ourselves as mothers,wives, and friends. We all take care of people around us and for May it’s time to take care of us! We’re super excited to introduce a new series with YOU. For the next 30 days we’ve committed to becoming better versions of ourselves and we want YOU to join in! We know how easy it is as moms to worry about others needs before our own. We also know it can be tough to get to the gym and eat well.So for the next 30 days we’ll be sharing tips, tricks, and ideas here on the blog as well as on our Instagram. L&L has come up with a fun way to make each day meaningful in ways that will better each of us. Follow along and use #betterYOU so we can see what you’re up to and a chance to be featured on our Instagram.

Monday: Food and Fitness with Jenna

Tuesday: Parenting & Family Relationship Tips

Wednesday: MIND-  reading, spirituality & meditation

Thursday: Food and Fitness with Lisa

Friday: Beauty
Saturday Self Day: Treat yourself

Sunday:  Rest and family fun/togetherness

We hope you guys are as excited as we are! We want your input so be sure to leave comments on the blog or instagram, and tag us #betterYOULandL. We’re all in this together!

MONDAY with Jenna

If you are new here, welcome! I did a post last week sharing MY WORKOUT and what I EAT. (click here to review ) I explain a little about living a paleo lifestyle. I think it’s important for all of us to use these paleo guidelines as a template rather than looking at it as a “diet”. The one thing I’ve learned through my many years of dieting is that diets DON’T work longterm. EVER! My dieting started in my teens as a young dancer and cheerleader. I’ve been up and way down on the scale, and I’ve been quick to jump on the latest trendy diet to see if it works. I’ve learned that DIETS don’t work longer than 30 days. They are short-term and unsustainable. I mean who can live on celery and lemon tea or even only meat forever? Not me. It’s just not going to work. Living a healthy lifestyle while following paleo guidelines really does work! The best part is you can still eat at your favorite places and splurge on your favorite treat. I’ve also realized you can make treats that fit within the paleo guidelines that satisfy and leave your body happy (without the highs and lows of sugar).

A couple of months ago I was struggling with energy and getting up in the morning. I couldn’t figure it out. My weight was pretty much the same but I felt like crap. Kind of down for no reason, no energy, and I just felt BLAH. My sister is a dietician so we went over everything. I realized how much SUGAR was in my diet and I also realized I wasn’t getting enough protein. We made a few adjustments and I started following paleo guidelines and I’m not kidding, within 2 weeks I was noticing a huge change in myself. My body was eliminating fat, I was gaining muscle, and my energy levels spiked. The longer I live this way the better I feel and the more energy I have. It also makes me feel confident that I can take care of myself and teach my family healthy eating habits without being super strict with eating guidelines. I think the biggest misconception about paleo is that it’s a carb free diet. I actually eat lots of carbs. I eat more fruit, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, and plantains than I ever have in my entire life. I also track my protein intake. Making sure you eat enough protein everyday is HUGE! We need protein!We’ve been spending lots of time at local farmers markets, eating more foods in season, and spending more time as a family talking about new recipes and ideas for snacks/meals.  It’s been really fun! I’m going to talk more about sugar and why I stay away from it 80% of the time because it really throws off your energy levels. Once you get on a balanced diet and stabilize your blood sugar levels, the sugar cravings actually go away. It’s amazing to feel and watch. I’ve even seen it in my kids.

“At its simplest, Paleo is a return to the basics—

it is the human diet that works with our genetics, not against it.” 

Many people find that chocolate, some dairy, some whole grains or other such items fit nicely into their personal Paleo template—and this is fine. The Paleo diet offers an evolutionary framework for the most nutritious way of eating, but the fact remains that everybody—and every body—is different. Try the Paleo template at its most basic before adding or subtracting. You may discover food intolerances, reactions, or new favorite ingredients along the way that could shape how you eat for the rest of your life. I know it clicked finally for me and I’m feeling better than ever!

Core workout

I work on core for 10-15 minutes everyday. I pick 3-4 exercises and do 15 reps 3x.

IMG_2748 Get in plank position with your right hand on top of a six -to eight-pound medicine ball and your left hand on the floor. ( you can use another kind of ball) Lower into a pushup until your chest is as close to the floor as possible (A). Press back up to plank. Placing your weight on your left hand, roll the ball across to the right (B), and then place your right hand on the floor and your left hand on top of the ball. Do another pushup, then roll the ball back to the right (C). That’s one rep. Do three sets of 10 reps, moving quickly and resting for 30 seconds between sets. It works CORE, shoulders, biceps, triceps, and chest!IMG_2749 Lie face up on floor with legs together and extended, holding ball between your ankles. Raise your legs toward the ceiling as you reach for the ball while engaging your core. Engage abs and lift up to grab the ball from your legs. Slowly lower legs, keeping them straight and together while lowering arms (holding the medicine ball) until about 12 inches away from floor; lift back up and place ball back between ankles and lower back to the floor. this time your legs have the weighted ball. Now lift up again transferring the ball now to your arms. Continue this for your desired amount of reps.IMG_2750

black leggings | black and white tank |Nike Frees  Get into a plank position with your ball. You can do this 2 ways, with straight legs or by bending your legs. Once in a plank position roll the ball in while creating a pike position or by bending your knees. The ball will come in towards you. Push the ball back out 15-20 times. This is killer!

Dinner last nightpaleo meal

grass-fed hamburger

homemade sweet potato fries, recipe here

sautéed brocoli in coconut oil – soooo good!

sugar snap peas and tomatoes

side of fresh raspberries


read more on paleo. EDUCATE  yourself. I get more passionate about it when I see the studies and doctors that stand behind this lifestyle. It’s incredible! The support is amazing.


I saute all my veggies in this COCONUT OIL


I’m a huge bar lover. I need them for snacks. I LOVE these PALEO FRIENDLY BARS .


lulu leggings | Nike Frees | Spiritual Gangster TOP

You can enter the lulu lemon legging giveaway on instagram by tagging a friend on the picture above. Winner announced next Monday the 9th.

I’m really excited for this month! I’m learning more and more everyday as I’m diving into this lifestyle. Can’t wait to hear from all of you and see how you use #betterYOULandL on instagram.



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    • thanks for saying! We will keep them up. It keeps me motivated too! xx

  1. hey nice name 😉

    I try and consume 75-80 grams of protein per day. hope that helps