Dec 10, 2013

real mom: Christina Brian

This has been one of my favorite real moms to feature. Christina and I go waaaay back! We grew up in the same neighborhood. She was my camp counselor. Then we reconnected when our oldest children joined the same pre-school. Christina is a friend I tell everyone about! She gave birth to five kids in TWO years, is absolutely gorgeous, and has a dry sense of humor l appreciate. She is a mother, wife and interior designer. Her most recent project blew me away! The attention to detail with a clean crisp modern twist is incredibly beautiful in the new Habit Salon. Meet my friend Christina Brian..


Christina Brian


Grew up around all of the awesome orange groves in Mesa, AZ.  Currently a stay at home mom who also dabbles in interior design.  In my past life I worked for Goldman Sachs and for one of Robert Redford’s Sundance companies.


My husband Waylon has a cousin named Gaylon and another cousin named Maylon…true story.  He was named after the late country music singer Waylon Jennings.  I always say that I wish my friends could be a fly on the wall when the extended Brian family gets can not make up these stories..even though they sound made up (love them).  I believe my husband to be a very complex enigma because he has a very sophisticated food palette with a side of just doesn’t add up;)  He has the best stories around and has no problem telling them over and over again.  Medical Sales take up most of his time.  


twin girls:  Maren and Maile (age 8)
triplet boys:  Bridger, Christian and Wells (age 6)

There was a time that I thought I would be lucky to even get one child.  We tried for over 7 years.  We went through In-vitro right after we put in adoption papers.  Within that month we found out we were pregnant with twins and picked for a baby boy.  I had actually been praying for twins and was very excited.  Soon after they came and being overcome with exhaustion, I distinctly remember standing in the hallway of my home and thinking, “I am so glad these are not triplets”.  There wasn’t any wood around because apparently I didn’t knock.  Anyway less than 2 years later I pregnant with triplets.  At times it has been intense but I wouldn’t trade the experience for the world.  

Side job:  

interior design

Tell us about your art. How you got started, why?  

For as long as I can remember I’ve always been easily distracted by interior design.  After the triplets were born I needed a healthy distraction to help me focus on other things beside the nursing and diaper changing assembly line.  I s
tarted blogging as a creative outlet..some lifestyle some design related.  At that time in my life it kept me going as I was able to focus on the good.  From that I have been presented with some fun opportunities that help fuel some of my passions.

First thing you do in the morning:

Wish I could say something really cool but I have this weird morning ritual where like a robot I march right into the laundry room and put in a load of laundry.

Describe your personal style:

Eclectic with a penchant for details.  I love an organic modern interior paired with traditional architectural elements.  In my opinion every outfit or space has to have one quirky or edgy piece thrown in.  I’m obsessed with the thought of a modern farmhouse.

How you stay fit:

I naturally gravitate towards healthy food…especially if I do not have to make it.  There is so much work that has to go into washing and chopping veggies:-)  I’m hoping Oxercise is legit because other than deep breathing I don’t think my random spurts of resistance training throughout the year are going to carry my into the next decade.  We’re trying to work the whole exercise thing out. 

Number one beauty item:

Favorite healthy snack:

Raw cashews or an avacado and vine ripened heirloom tomatoes sprinkled with sea salt.

Guilty pleasure:

Treasure hunting at any antique or junk store. Also, fresh flowers in my home. 

Children’s item you can’t live without:

Silver Shield.  I used this stuff when they were little and I use it now.  I feel like it really helped us to keep the doctor appointments to a min.  We don’t have very many toys or games so I’m not up on the latest and greatest kids stuff.  For as long as I can remember though good music and a road trip have helped to keep us all in a good mood.

Tip or trick your mom taught you that have applied to yourself:

Material things are never more important than relationships and memories but if we were to talk about material things than I definetley have benefited from my Mom’s ability to make something look like a million bucks on a tight budget.

Favorite tradition:  

This is a tricky one but right this very second it is the annual girls get away trips we take with my side of the family.  We hid my pregnant sisters belly so that they would let her rent a scooter in Victoria, B.C…best decision ever.  None of us had ever ridden a scooter a day in our life until that day.  My Mom looked especially awesome riding one. 

How you spend your “me”(personal time, no kids or husband)time:

With my sisters and Mom.  They help fill my cup.

How you balance life:

Is it just me or does everybody else think it’s hard to stay balanced?  For me it is always a process.  If I can keep the focus of why I am here and where I am going..then that seems to help guide me in all of the small day to day decisions as to how I will spend my time.  As I get older I really can see the benefit from just slowing down and finding time to just reflect and meditate..that always seems to help in the balancing act.  Recently I have tried to find people that seem balanced to use as inspiration points.

Photos from Christina’s latest project, Habit Salon in Mesa, 

{Habit Photos by: Michelle Herrick
Christina Brian: 
blog{click to be directed}
instagram @full_house101

Habit Salon:
4331 E. Baseline Rd. #108
Gilbert, AZ 85234
480 461 9425
Instagram @habitsalon


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