Jan 12, 2017


As I mentioned earlier today I have 12 weeks left with this pregnancy. To me it feels so far away, yet I know it will be here before I know it. My youngest is now 7, so in some ways being pregnant again feels brand new. I’m sure this being mine and Jeff’s first baby together adds to the excitement! The outfits I’ve loved wearing most this pregnancy can be found HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE! I thought it might be fun to answer some of the questions I’ve received since we announced our pregnancy.Lisa Allen wearing a lace top from Anthropologie with DL1961 maternity jeans, topshop booties and dior glasses


LACE TOP | UNDER TANK | JEANS (non maternity) | BOOTIES | LIPGLOSS in Strawberry Parfait | SUNGLASSES 

How far along are you? 7 month’s

How did you find out? So I get this really loud laugh when I’m pregnant, but only when I’m pregnant. It sounds more like a rumble. I can’t explain it. About a week before I took the test it came out and scared Jeff, he had never heard it. I had been feeling super bloated, my pants were tight, so when that laugh came out I had a hunch. A week later Goldie wanted to go to the dollar store to get some light up watch she saw and I bought a few pregnancy tests. Fancy huh? I honestly think they work just as good or better than brand name tests. I’ve used them with all my kids. Went home, took the test and I had double red lines within 5 seconds. No joke. So bold, I didn’t have to question if the line was real or not. So I took two more and same thing. 100% pregnant. I went into the garage and showed Jeff (super romantic;). Stunned. Both of us.

Were you trying? When Jeff and I started dating he had asked if I wanted more kids. My answer was the same I always gave a guy who asked ” if I end up with someone who already has kids, no. But, if they don’t I’d have one or two more” Jeff is a natural with kids. He and his sister ran summer babysitting camps when they were in Jr. High. For real..a total natural. We knew we wanted kids together and had been discussing over the summer that we should start trying around Jan (now). Little did we know during a couple of those conversations that we were already pregnant. It happened earlier than either of us planned, since we are still in full renovation mode. I’m not sure anyone is every really ready. Right?

How much weight have you gained? Ugh, I’ve gained 27lbs so far with 12 weeks left. I gained between 35-45 lbs with all three of my girls. Being 5’3 doesn’t really help either. I’ll admit it’s really hard for me to gain weight, as in mentally hard. This is my first time being pregnant with social media and blogging so it adds to the stress. My stomach is always the smallest part on me at the end. I gain the most in my legs, butt, and face. I have to remind myself this is normal and just because I’m older now doesn’t mean I won’t lose it. I also have to visualize holding this sweet baby and when I do, all the worry washes away.

Will you and Jeff have more kids? I get asked this the most. The answer is I don’t know. Yes. Probably. Depends. Of course. I’m not doing this again. I’ve always wanted 5 kids. I don’t think I can handle 5 kids. Maybe. So..time will tell. But, if we do it’ll have to be quick. I don’t want to be delivering another baby the same night Avery graduates high school.;)

What skincare products are you using while pregnant? Finding products that are safe to use while pregnant can be tricky. Here are a few I’ve been using and really love: this Tata Harper Multivitamin Serum is SO good! This hydrating mist has been a dream. Perfect to spray as a mid day refresher! I’ve started using oils on my skin since I’ve been pregnant and tried several. This rose oil is my top pick! It also won an Allure beauty award this year. I keep these 24k Gold eye patches in the fridge. I swear they reduce all the puffiness around my eyes in just 10 mins!

What are your cravings? Now that I’m in my third trimester I don’t really CRAVE anything except Juicy Fruit gum as of lately. I literally hadn’t had it in 15-20 years. A flood of childhood memories came back with that first stick. First trimester (okay he still gets them) Jeff would get texts from me that said BWW now. Translation: Buffalo Wild Wings. We were going once a week, just he and I. Our order was always the same: chipotle bbq, lemon pepper and salt and vinegar traditional wings with fries, extra carrots and celery sticks. I LOVE raw carrots and celery in buffalo sauce. He actually might get that same text tonight.

Any weird dreams? I have a lot of nightmares when I’m pregnant. Luckily I don’t sleep well and wake up 6-7 times per night so I’m able to get out of those dream quickly. I also have a lot of sexual dreams which I won’t get into. You’re welcome Jeff 🙂

Were you disappointed you’re having another girl? Tough to answer because we are having a girl. FOUR girls is a lot. All of us, kids included were hoping for a boy. When the doctor called to tell Jeff and I we literally could not make eye contact. Haha. We’ve all processed it and the excitement has built up around this little girl coming to our family. It’s a great blessing. Plus, it’s really all I know as a mom.

What are you going to name her? I like unique names. We already have an Avery (was unique at the time), Poppy and Goldie. I have one name I LOVE more than anything, but Jeff does not feel the same way. Together we have a list of 3 names we both agree on. I like happy names and I like boy names for girls. You’ll have to wait and see what we decide on!

Is Jeff building the nursery? Goldie and this baby will share a room and the room is small. So we are getting creative for this project and teamed up with Pottery Barn Kids/Teen to help with furniture. Ideally, Jeff would love to build all of it but time is running out, I’m impatient and Jeff has a million other projects he’s working on. So Jeff will be designing and building a loft bed for Goldie and a chair for their room to go with this CRIB and DRESSER.

Are you nervous? I’m nervous in the sense that it’s been so long since I’ve had a newborn. At the same time I’ve done this three other times and with Goldie I did it on my own from day one so I know I can do it again. It also helps seeing how incredible Jeff is to Avery, Poppy and Goldie so I can only imagine how much he’ll love having his own to love on. Plus, the girls are so much older now and beyond excited to add a baby to the mix. So am I.

XXO lisa

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  1. I am loving watching you on this journey. Your girls are just beyond. Love love love.. We are expecting our fifth girl this may! I rarely see families with so many of the same gender so definitely feeling a kindship from a distance with ya. And hey HAY, I gain the same amount when prego too. I have to constantly remind myself I CAN and WILL lose the weight again. So annoying, the mental struggle that comes part in parcel with the blessing of a new baby!

    Congrats to you guys, sending lots of love!

    • Hi rachel! I love hearing your story. We are for sure in this together will all our girls! Biggest congrats to you and your family!
      XXO lisa

  2. Loved reading this!! I would love to know the name you LOVR but Jeff vetoed. ❤️

    • I still have a little hope he’ll change his mind. If not, maybe the next pet will get that name. gah, it’s so cute!

  3. I just LOVE you! ❤️ Loved reading this… love your heart!

  4. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again– girls rock. We also have 4 sisters in my fam (I’m the 3rd born)! I was 9 when Charlie was born and my other sisters were 16 and 14.I love our modern family and all of our bonds are so special. We are all extremely close to my mom and with each other. I can survive anything as long as I have them. Of course it used to be world war 3 over clothes & more but now we are inseparable and I see them almost everyday. My sister got married last year and the 3 of us stood by her side as her maids of honor. Its a wolfpack but it’s mine! I know you all will feel the same way.

    • I love your story, thanks for sharing. We are in the midst of battles over clothes, curl sticks, etc over here. Jeff grew up with three sisters and I’m the youngest of 3 girls so we remind ourselves, pretty much daily it will all pass and they will love each other as adults.
      XXO lisa