Mar 23, 2021

ALASTIN Skincare

Thank you Alastin Skincare for sponsoring this post.

Lets talk medical grade skincare. What exactly does this mean? Well, Medicalgrade skin care products contain active ingredients that have been clinically proven to have a positive effect on skin. They are often categorized as a blend between cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, providing both aesthetic and medicinal benefits. This is exactly what Alastin Skincare is and provides. Alastin was made by dermatologists for their patients.

Shop some of my favorites here:

I always tell my readers that it is way better to invest in a quality skincare line rather than in botox or fillers. The long term game is so much higher. When the time does come for botox (I don’t do fillers) try this Post-Injection Serum. This tube has lasted me forever and helps with bruising, swelling, and redness.


Now lets talk about neck cream. Alastin makes this Restorative Neck Complex and I am 100% sure you all are going to love it. This is powerful stuff. Treats neck, and strengthens the skin elasticity. Basically this means no more saggy neck skin. Think how much pressure we place on our neck? We are always looking down at our phones and hardly include the neck in our daily routine. Start using this Restorative Neck Complex you wont be disappointed.

This product, TransForm Body Treatment is amazing as well. It enhances the skin’s natural ability to produce elastin and collagen for firmer, smoother skin, when part of your daily routine. I have been using this TransForm Body Treatment for a few weeks now and can see such a difference in my skin.

I promise you aren’t going to regret getting on Alastin Skincare.

Shop other favorites here:



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