May 21, 2013

Real mom: Angela Hardison

Name: Angela Hardison 

Husband: Clint, commercial real estate broker and the wittiest guy I know. He gets along with everyone, has me laughing every day, and makes certain that we have frequent family dance parties at home.

Children:  Margo, who just turned 1 and is still the most squishable thing you’ve ever seen.

Side job: Graphic designer and photo stylist.

Tell us about your art. How you got started, why?
I studied graphic design at ASU and started a design/letterpress studio right after college (SeeSaw). After four years, I parted ways with my partners and started doing freelance design. My work mostly includes developing brand identities  logos, business cards, websites  and then some smaller projects like letterpress wedding invitations. The photo styling is a recent endeavor and I love it because getting paid to make things look pretty is awesome. My next big creative venture will hopefully be textile design, combining my love of patterns with fabric.

First thing you do in the morning: The little one always wakes up too early for me these days, so I get her from the crib and lay with her for as long as she’ll let me. Then, breakfast! Firm believer that it’s the most important meal of the day.

Describe your personal style:
Simple, classic, modern with a touch of retro. My home, wardrobe and design work are filled with color and patterns.

How you stay fit:
Mixing it up with Crossfit, yoga, running – whatever I can fit in my schedule. I even tried a ballet class recently (which sadly just reinforced that I’m pretty clumsy). I gained a lot of weight during pregnancy and have spent the last year trying to get rid of it. I still have a little ways to go, but I’ve learned that for me, staying fit is about 80% what I eat and 20% exercise. I try to limit my gluten intake because it makes a huge difference in my energy and health.

Number one beauty item:
Coconut oil. It’s not just for cooking! I use it as a moisturizer and recently discovered it e
ven works wonders on cold sores. It’s antiviral and antibacterial and I pretty much think it’s magic.

Favorite healthy snack:
An apple with a spoonful of almond butter.

Guilty pleasure:
Candy of any kind. I have such a sweet tooth and wish every single meal could end with a treat.

Children’s item you can’t live without:
Books, books, books. Two of our absolute favorite children’s books are Sparkle & Spin and Extra Yarn.

Tip or trick your mom taught you that have applied to yourself:
My mom has a very natural approach to healing. We used to laugh at her growing up but I’ve totally become her and will always turn to herbs/vitamins first. 

Favorite tradition:
It’s a silly everyday tradition, but right now I’m loving the last part of our bedtime routine with Margo. After we brush her teeth Clint hides somewhere in the room and we look for him. It’s adorable to watch her hold her hands up and ask “where?”, and then get so excited when she spots his face poking out of the curtains or his feet poking out of the closet.

How you spend your “me”(personal time, no kids or husband) time:
Shopping. I never realized what a luxury it would be to browse and try things on without a little one pulling on me or screaming for me to hold her 😉

How you balance life:
I’m still trying to figure this out. Whenever I’m feeling particularly overwhelmed, I remember something my older sister shared with me about motherhood/work/life being a juggling act. We can’t really juggle all the time without dropping a ball here and there. Some balls are made of rubber and will bounce right back, but some are delicate and made of glass – and those we cannot drop. The closest I’ve ever felt to achieving balance is when my priorities are focused on my family first.


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  2. angela is such an inspiring artist and mother! so glad you chose to interview her. and p.s. i agree!! every meal SHOULD end with something sweet! xo.