Aug 31, 2015

perfect imperfections

So many things have changed since June. I’m finally starting to get in the swing of our new life. A friend (that I will always keep close to my heart) told me I needed to learn to roll with the trials of life instead of getting knocked over by them. I’ve been doing just that. Life since June has been one of the hardest times in my life. I won’t go into details but really I can’t even describe how hard it has been. Then throwing a move to the list just added even more stress. All of us know how challenging moving can be and how unfamiliar things feel at first. Needless to say I’m so glad that I’m “rolling with the waves of life” because everything has worked out in the way it should. There is always a bigger picture that we can’t see. It’s all about being grateful and keeping a smile on your face. Life isn’t perfect and nobody is. We just try our best every single day. I’m so thankful for the contentment I finally feel. Best feeling in the world!! I was in a class today, (yes soulcycle because I’m an addict) and this is my favorite thing Elle (go to her class, westport or greenwich) has ever said.

“It’s not about being perfect, it’s about being you and owning that. And that is what perfection is.”

Anyways I didn’t mean to preach tonight but I know life can be hard. I want all of you who read this blog to know the images you see of Lisa and I are 2 minutes of our lives. If only you could see “the behind the scenes” of taking these pictures. My kids in this photo shoot went into the river and ended up covered in mud and got it all over the back of this white dress! But I just rolled with it because that’s how I choose to look at life. We have real feelings and real life struggles just like everyone else. I never want to seem like something I’m not. I have many days a week I’m not in make-up. I wear sweats A LOT! I wear work out clothes all day long sometimes because I run out of time to change after my work out. I have cellulite and get zits and worry about life. It’s not about being perfect, it’s about being you and owning it. And that is what perfection is.



WD free peopleWhite Dress | Beachwaver CurlStick

WD free people2

White Dress | Beachwaver CurlStick

Miss You NY

Miss You NY sweater ย |ย Sunglasses ,ย here, here tooย | Denim Cut-off shorts

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  1. I loved this post. I love all of your posts, but I really love how real you girls are! I so admire you both!

  2. Love this post. Probably my favorite one to date. Just what I needed on this crazy day. As a navy wife, moving is all I know anymore!

    • wow thank you so much. My brother is in the Navy too! They have 3 kids and just made it to Japan fort the next 3 years. I don’t know how you guys do it! But what awesome adventures you must have. Thx for reading and I’m glad you could find something out of this post, big hugs xx

  3. Jenna, what a beautiful post! So real & such tender feelings. Thank you!

  4. Loved this post. Thank you. An avid reader of you and Lisa. I think sometimes as a reader we think “damn they look like that all the time…their lives are perfection.” And even when you tell yourself that can’t be the case (since you look down and notice YOU are still in your sweats and nursing your diet coke)…you still wonder if everyone else is just sailing thru life. Thank you Jenna….

    • My sailboat is def all over the place ๐Ÿ™‚ don’t get caught up in it all. Remember social media is a highlight reel. It’s so fun and there are so many amazing things about it. Some of my best friends have come from it. But just remember that it’s the tiniest glimpse into other people’s lives. I mean the tiniest. Nobody sails thru life. It’s impossible.Thx for following along this blog ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

  5. That was lovely! Thanks for sharing!!! As women we have to support each other and I love how this blog supports women. I love how you guys share and continue to be real!!! Much love from Texas!!

  6. Hi Jenna,

    I love your honesty in posts like these and your style and fun that lights up other days…My best friend of 30 years and I live in Darien. We are thinking of starting a blog but struggle with these very questions–how much of our “perfect life” will people want to see vs. the reality of raising 6 kids between us and workout clothes 5 days a week! Hopefully we will meet up one day in the blog or real world– Welcome to CT!!

  7. Thanks SO much, Jenna for sharing these words. My family’s move to the east coast recently has been very difficult on me. Needed this encouragement! Xoxo

    • Good Luck Amy! You’ll get through it I promise. And there is so much good on the east coast. You will get settled and love it out here. xx

  8. Have I told you how much I love you? You are so real and your heart is gold. I love that their is mud on the back of your dress! I can even hear you laughing it off in my mind. I love you!!!