Jun 1, 2016

Becoming a Fit & Healthy Family

Becoming a fit & healthy family is a goal most of us have. We want our kids to be healthy and happy! The best way to teach them is by example. Here are a few tips I’ve learned from books and the wise mothers in my life.

1.I’ve been told over and over again to eat every meal together when kids are home. Use this time to connect. It’s so important for the kids to watch adults eat. They observe so much in that small window of time. They see adults experience new foods. They watch proper etiquette at the table. They feel love. Well sometimes, mine like to fight at the table so I’m still trying to master this part!

2. Let the kids choose what they put on their plate with the “take 2” philosophy. You will be so surprised with this rule in place what they start putting on their plates. It’s genius and makes the kids feel like they are in control but really….we know we are. haha

3. Keep trying if you don’t succeed. Don’t lose hope after making something new and the kids don’t devour it. Keep on trying. Like try 10times!

4. Never forbid “treats” or certain foods from your kids. This will cause problems down the road and eventually lead them to overeat these foods in the long run. Find balance for them. You don’t want your kids to be the ones that the second they get to their friend’s house they eat the entire carton of fruit snacks because they aren’t allowed sugar at home! This happens all the time at our house. I can see which kids are restricted at home. It’s just not helping them in the long run to find balance.

5. Get active with your kids. Let them see you in action. They will realize that you value it. We have been experiencing so many fun moments with our kids just because we exercise for an hour together. Walks, hiking, dancing down in our basement, YMCA, baseball in the park. It can be anything!

I get calendars and charts HERE to help the kids set healthy goals. They have really detailed charts that teach the kids to count their fruits and vegetables for the day. I use the “let’s move” chart as well. I’m doing anything I can to get them excited about moving and eating well.

Also my almost NINE year old got a fitbit this year. He tracks his steps and activity levels everyday! It’s been a fun way to get him excited about watching his fitness goals happen. It’s been super fun for him. My husband and I have them too and it’s a friendly little competition we have every single day.

hope this helps! Leave comments too if you have tips or ideas.



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